Facilities Rental Information

01/01 2023: Rental policy

To ensure that the range is available to Club members to the maximum extent possible, the NSRGC Board of Directors has set up a cap of ten percent (10%) on the number of days the facility may be rented to outside applicants. Essentially, this translates to 36 days per year. This policy is subject to change from time to time by the Board of Directors or by the Club membership at a general meeting, as conditions may dictate.
This policy has been established for the following reasons:
- to ensure that the Club's annual membership fee remains at a reasonable level, and
- to generate revenue for the maintenance and upkeep of the facility.
The fees (plus GST) set for the rental of the facility are as follows:
As conditions may dictate, the fees are subject to change by the NSRGC Board of Directors.
1 - Exclusive:
The range is exclusively yours to use and becomes available to members AFTER 1700hrs (5:00 p.m.)
2 - Non-Exclusive:
Part of the range remains available for use by members.
If you are interested in renting all or part of our facility for an event or function, please send an email to the Rentals Coordinator.

Exclusive | | | | Exclusive All Day | $975 | | Exclusive Half Day | $487.50 | | | | Non-Exclusive | | | | All Day One Bay | $487.50 | | All Day Two Bays | $747.50 | | Half Day One Bay | $260 | | Half Day Two Bays | $390 | | 3 Hrs One Bay | $195 | | 3 Hrs Two Bays | $292.50 | | 2 Hrs One Bay | $130 | | 2 Hrs Two Bays | $195 | | 2 Hrs Two Positions | $100 | | | | Club house | | | | Half Day | $200 | | Full day | $400 | Drop-in (with Member) | Guest Fee | $10 per day |

North Saanich Rod & Gun Club - P.O. Box 2043 - Sidney, B.C. - V8L 3S3
